Monday, 9 November 2015

Giving Your Heart to what you do

Sometimes your heart is all you have to live on, and giving it away to what you do maybe your only chance of advancement.

If you want to advance in your career or enterprise, there is a price you must pay at some point to achieve success which is personal.

Your heart maybe a pittance of the lowliest. But, when given, it becomes the greatest offering of all time.

Tonight I want to look at what it feels like to give your heart to what you do.

Yesterday, I was in Church and the preacher talked about a poor widow in the Bible who put in two copper coins, which make a penny into synagogue treasury. And, how her offering outweighed the large offerings of the rich because it was her mite.

She most have believed with so much faith in what ever it was that they were contributing for, and Jesus immediately noticed and appreciated her offering.

In today's world, you don't have to give your mite to show how committed you are to anything you do.

All you have to give is your heart, the part is most relevant to what ever you are doing.

Life, like Christ will appreciate your giving, no matter how little. As long as it comes from the heart that cares.

So, next time when you go for a job interview, proposal or presentation, don't think about your PhDs or SXML. Think instead of what part of you have/know that can add value to the job in view.

And give all of it.

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