Showing posts with label Choices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choices. Show all posts

Monday, 28 December 2015

Twisted loyalties

Loyalty is a rare quality to come by and partly because of this, some may even dare to call it a virtue. Being loyal is hardly ever a bad thing as even blind loyalty can be a beautiful thing depending on the point of view we choose to judge from (like mine for example…lol). It becomes a difficult choice, however, when we are forced to choose between our safety and/or freedom in the name of loyalty to friends or loved ones. One perhaps made even more difficult if we had to put our right to self preservation aside to stand up for someone knowing fully well we are defending the act of a misdeed.

Loyalty is the demonstration of constant unflinching and undivided belief and support for a person or a thing. We all have a few people in our lives whom we are either loyal to, or expect a degree of loyalty from. With friends and family, as much or more loyalty is almost always expected as a payback for loyalty. Not really confusing. It just means that friends and families always expect unflinching and undivided support from you for as much of the time as possible.  It’s not much to ask of a cohort but at a point it does become just that.